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The Heart Of It

The Heart of It is the recording of a live house concert I did in Toronto, Ontario, that was produced by old friends of mine: music producer Don Kerr, and filmmakers Liz Marshall and Karin Culliton. This project is the result of a desire to bring friends and family together and create a context that would invite community and connection to oneself and others. This concert was a beautiful experience for all who were a part of it! We laughed and cried as the night unfolded with shared food and wine and twenty songs that I have written over the last twenty years.

As an expression of the generosity of spirit of the night and a  shared belief that we need to be tending to what is broken and suffering, all proceeds of this album will support a non-profit working with refugees
All in All
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Long Long Journey
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All Videos Filmed and Directed by Liz Marshall

Edited by Karin Culliton

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The Heart of It - Deb Montgomery
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